I’m celebrating a couple of anniversaries this week, and I’d like to invite you to join me. First off, believe it or not, Sunday marks the fifth anniversary of Mike’s Circular File. My web-based bully pulpit went online on October … Continue reading
Tag Archives: White Sox
Image adapted from www.matthewoverton.com I’m a Cub fan. Being a Cub fan has its privileges. Among them are suffering, humiliation, and heartbreak. This year, the pain was almost exquisite. The Cubs finished the regular season with 97 wins, only to … Continue reading
I’ve been talking to myself a lot lately. “Just keep repeating it. You’re taking the high road. Don’t clench your teeth when you say it.” You’ve got to believe that these White Sox are for real. They are coming off … Continue reading
As you have gathered by now, Mike’s Circular File is not a “blog” per se – I don’t update it daily, and my postings are all lengthy columns or stories. Sometimes I think I’d like to use it as a … Continue reading
Now that the 2003 baseball season is officially over (it was unofficially over on October 16), I need to indulge myself and vent a little. And I’m going to speak in broad, unfair generalities, because that’s what venting is. So … Continue reading