This essay was written September 15, 1991. I thought it was lost for years but it turned up in a folder of old WordPerfect documents from a backup of my 90’s-era DOS computer. (Yes, I save everything.) My writing style … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
John Pinette was one funny son of a bitch. I first became aware of him the same way many of his fans did – after hearing his Chinese buffet routine, in which he and his buddies (big people all) run … Continue reading
What has happened to our food? I don’t consider myself a food authority, although I have certainly eaten more than my fair share of it over the years. But I know what’s going on in my own house, and it … Continue reading
“Fuck Lance Armstrong. Fuck him and his balls and his bicycles and his steroids and his yellow shirts and the dumb empty expression on his face. I’m tired of that asshole. And while you’re at it, fuck Tiger Woods too. … Continue reading
I know what you’re saying. “So, is this site dead or what?” I understand and apologize. I am suffering from a monumental case of writer’s block that has now lasted for over a year. And that’s after I went dark … Continue reading