Audio Magazine #1

Well, I’ve now gone and made the Circular File a full multimedia experience. Here, for your listening pleasure, is my first Audio Magazine. Some people would call this a “podcast.” Whatever.

Just click the icon below to listen, or right-click and choose “Save Target As…” to download it to your PC or MP3 player. Now you can take me with you when you go jogging! Just take it easy, though. I get winded easily.

The program is 33 minutes long, and the MP3 file is 15MB in size, so you probably don’t want to do this on a dial-up connection. Then again, if you’re still using a dial-up connection, you’re already used to everything being god-awful slow, so go ahead.

Featured songs:
Journey to the Moon — Genesis
The World of Gorillas and Monkeys — Brian Ingland
Why Can’t We Live Together — Timmy Thomas
Why Can’t We Live Together — Steve Winwood

Hope you enjoy it!

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